is a directory of advisers that you can search by location or services offered, including fee-for-service planners . You can also specify your household assets to ensure you find a firm that caters to your particular segment of the market.I’m in my mid-twenties and have been quite diligent on savings, with a nest egg now in six figures. However, I’m thinking of going back to school to get a graduate degree , and I’m wondering how to think about paying for school.
Is it better to withdraw from the TFSA and non-registered account to pay for school ? Or should I leave it alone and work to pay off the debt once I graduate?You’ve done an amazing job of saving, and that puts you in the fortunate position of being able to pay for your MBA without taking on debt. You might earn a return that exceeds the interest rate on your debt if you leave your investments intact, but that’s speculative.