The hateful and prejudiced view that our trade balances are supposed to be a sign of ‘losing’ can lead to drastic and damaging actions. When auto parts/metals are slapped with tariffs, domestic sales will eventually be affected, along with jobs.
Coming from a destroyer of California. The idiot.
Buy American made cars! Why would you keep buying products that support Communism in abroad? MadeInAmerica! TrumpTrain2020! MAGA3X! ????
And Jerry Brown would know...he's got a lot of practice destroying California. California
He’s just doing what he’s told...
Jerry Brown has already destroyed a state, virtually impossible for Trump do do any worse than that. TrumpDerangementSyndrome
It’s because Barack Obama helped save it.
But Gov. Brown's renewable energy mandate will help Californians? What is the estimate KPH that Californians will pay and how many of the "no bid" contracts will Gov Brown's political cronies be awarded? Remember the "Bullet Train to Nowhere?"
Listen here moonbeam... you destroyed California. The end.
Someone just wrote a book about it. Everything Trump touches dies.
This idiot has destroyed California and he has the gull to say this. No wonder the state is 1 giant fire