Parents around the world are doing their best to navigate some semblance of a school routine at home. Whether equipped with a curriculum or not, there are some skills you can teach your kids that don't require a textbook or Google classroom. In fact, these life skills can be naturally woven into your already existing day-to-day routine.
"With their brains rapidly developing until age 25, kids are like sponges, ready to soak in information and learn. Research shows that when parents are actively engaged in a child's exploration of something new, they can enhance what a child learns," said Dr. Neha Chaudhary, child and adolescent psychiatrist at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School and cofounder ofTeach them the importance of savings.
then work backwards and make a list to go over with their kid," said Robin F. Goodman, PhD, a clinical psychologist and art therapist in New York City.Knowing how to do basic repairs will foster independence and later on, save your child money when encountering something that needs fixing.