Good for them
Not a sign of a healthy economy
Capitalism... off the people, buy the people, poor the people... 🤥
Someone tell CNBC to stop putting this idiot on the air
As a business owner (stock holder), I expect dividends in the way of income. People should expect to generate income annually from a stock (company they own) as surely as the CEO expects a salary. Don’t bitch about dividends.
Since the markets are the only eCONomic indicator most people know and retirement funds are effected, they use every trick to keep it for crashing. Retirement funds pumped prices to enable the buyback scheme to work. Too bad those retirement funds with be worthless when needed.
I distinguish between buybacks and dividends. The latter are paid to shareholders of whatever financial level and may be used to sustain them. Buybacks are purchased in hot times and flushed down the toilet in crashes.
Too big to fail?
“When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men in a society, over the course of time they create for themselves a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it.” Frédéric Bastiat
crypto_dogs SpeakerPelosi you own just as much as Donnie Golf Bags. I’m a Democrat so quickly brush me off.
How much did they spend on payroll?
realJosephRich Some Tech higher than Feb,stocks like CMG,LMT,health care from different sector ATH or close to it...wheres the recession?
Lemon Socialism 🍋
realJosephRich Hi, the crazily positive US stock market over the past 12 trading days has (IMO) been enabled by sentiment-goosing in turn driving (IMO) a captive-HFT/Xth-party spoofing model clandestinely controlling US Index futures and stock prices. Best
Capitalism with crash helmets!
Because there are no repercussions
... expected this shit to happened. They already knew that if they created mass hysteria they would be bailed out.
Must be nice to be rich. Once you’re in the rich kids club, they got your back
realDonaldTrump GOP DNC All large corporations and businesses who didn't keep their profits but pumped their stock prices high through stocks buybacks should refund all bailouts!
That’s bullshit
Wild west USA.
Capitalism for the poor, socialism for the rich.