“Consumption is currently down in the midst of the global pandemic, but when the world recovers, demand will resume and then increase going into the future,” Stubbs said Wednesday, referencing growing major economies, such as India and China, as potential buyers.
“A thriving energy sector helped Canada weather the financial crisis of 2008-09, and it will be no less important to helping us recover from the hard times ahead,” she said.The issue was also raised in the House by Conservative MP Dane Lloyd. Now that Irving Oil Ltd. refineries on the east coast are turning to Alberta to secure crude supplies, the Sturgeon River–Parkland MP asked if the government would support an east-west pipeline.
Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland said it’s “good news” east coast refineries are taking Alberta crude. Referencing the purchase of the Trans Mountain pipeline nearly two years ago, Freeland said the government believes in pipelines, “that’s why we bought one.”Kinder Morgan's Trans Mountain Pipeline Burnaby Terminal is pictured in Burnaby, B.C. on March 10, 2018.
May is an idiot oil is going nowhere. It's used in virtually every manmade product either as part of the product or the process to make it.
If this old biddy gets into a single vehicle that is charged by oil in anyway she better forfeit her campaign right then and there. This coot better be bicycling her ass across the country to get to the debates in 2023
The Green Party is dead
May is a TRAITOR ...
It’s not dead. Oil must be used in transition to a 21st century energy solution. The GOV has to launch an “Earth engineered” solution to our pollution problem. We need a solution!
Can’t watch Netflix without oil... jus sayin’.
She's early...but it's in the mail.
The name of this former Canadian Green Party leader, author of many books, lawyer, and mother -- is Elizabeth. Please!!
Vodka flowing today?
May is such a hypocrite, cellphone, computer, car, house, TV, radio, clothing all require oil and i don't see her running around naked
Isn't the Green party dead ElizabethMay
She's right!
Haha! Ouch is right.
Cool. Guess we should call the refineries te them to shutdown. We dont need them anymore. What could go wrong.
She’s the real dinosaur.
Yes, ouch is right! The truth very much hurts.
I agree Oil is on its way OUT.
Oil and gas is what’s propping up her clean energy, Watch planet of the Humans, people and you’ll see
How did she escape the home Isolation lockdowneffect SeniorLiving COVIDLockdown ElizabethMay
Liz May is delusional.
Maybe she should compare it to the Green Party's political success. oops