"It's almost been a blessing in disguise. I was stuck in the same role for a number of years, but now I can work for myself and hopefully secure a better future for my family," says Jay Lee.
A couple of weeks into lockdown, a conference call was organised for the team who were all working from home.New career move While he's now generating enough income to cover bills and expenses, Jay recognises he's in a fortunate position. More than 6.5 million jobs in total could be lost due to the economic fallout from the UK's coronavirus lockdown,
Over the past few weeks, she has taken part in a volunteer"buddy scheme", calling other people who are feeling lonely during lockdown. "I was so looking forward to starting, it was basically my dream to work with this particular company, utilising the degree I love," she says.
Lets all do that then
That’s the attitude the young ones should be having this not a “woe its me sticking their hands out for hand outs” For far too long the young generation have been spoilt and living a life beyond their means!! Come back down to earth & start paying off ur maxed out credit cards!!
Whoop-de-fucking-doo. More people will be pushed towards the bottom of a bottle or the end of a rope unless we let people live and work again.
I did the same just before the last financial crash 12 years ago.
For the first WHO conference since the outbreak, Scotland and Northern Ireland have done a great job of protecting people's lives, but they have not been invited. It is really a pity!
Is that Ferdi ?
'Starting a business' ... like Amway, Lularoe, Herbalife, Cutco, or one of the many dozens of pyramid schemes that sucker in (predominantly, but not entirely) lower middle class women, most often during a severe recession?
Yeah, come on deadbeats just trying to figure out a way to keep the lights on, start a business with all that extra working capital you have lying around... WTAF?
Great article on a suburb young man! I wouldn’t mind getting into business with him. Dedicated, hardworking, loyal he has it all!
Ok. That’s one