“I hope and anticipate the Senate will soon take up and pass legislation that just passed the House, by an overwhelming vote of 417 to one, to further strengthen the Paycheck Protection Program so it continues working for small businesses that need our help,” McConnell, a Republican, said.
Under the House-passed bill, businesses receiving forgivable loans under this new program would have 24 weeks, instead of the current eight weeks, to utilize the loans intended to help keep businesses operating and retain employees. The legislation also contains other changes to provide more flexibility to the program as small businesses try to reopen following months of closures or curtailed operations during the coronavirus pandemic.
Restaurants and hotels are among the largest beneficiaries of the Paycheck Protection Program created in late March. Reporting by Patricia Zengerle, Richard Cowan and Susan Cornwell; Editing by Leslie Adler and Richard Chang
Bu Aziz yıldırım aq
Aziz yıldırım türk futbolunu karıştırdın şimdi sıra Amerikadamı
“Ben ırkçılık yaptıysam Amerika için ırkçılık yaptım kendim için yapmadım, öyle saçma şey olmaz”
Sizi üvkeye soktuvmam ahlaksızlav tevbiyesizlev pavalı köpeklev
Bakın bu pvotestolavı hemen bitiviyovsunuz! Sizi bidaha amevikaya sokmam! Tevyesizlev, ahlaksızlav, pavalı köpekler!!
Pavalı köpeklev!!!!
beni konuştuvmasınlar
Pavalı köpeklev 😃😃
putin called moscowmitch and asked for his money quicker
Turtle turtle......, go away
he's so nauseating
Mitch is not forthcoming. Shame on that prick.
He. Is. Not. A. Leader.
The GOP is garbage.
So how many small businesses will be dicked out of this bill to pad the ultra rich? Gotta feed the monster right Mitch?
...Nancy still in SanFran....
Trump kills His people Great America
. Glad to hear it and won't even ask why he changed his mind. It'll be too easy of course if senatemajldr and SenateGOP did their jobs sooner and help those who need it most.
Really? Now you want to talk about the virus ..
Get rid of this mock turtle!!! He has done nothing worthwhile, and only obstructed attempts for valuable reform!
Need to keep a close eye on Mitch. It's like him to pull a fast one when everyone's attention on (insert crisis here).
You are going to lose your seat! Much deserved! GO HOME OLD MAN! You do not have wisdom nor care for the ppl of your state, nor understanding of how body cams were turned OFF!!! Suspicious? You bet!
Why is he mad ?
This is what matters most to these career politicians at the moment.
Mr Racist himself right here he is the definition of Racism in America.
He belongs in prison.
Or a large poop, by the look in this photo.
Right, but will any Small Business get any money? Or will it go to large corporations, like the last chunk of change Asking for a friend. DitchMitch2020
Time for Cocaine Mitch to get back in the sea
'You don’t have to be a card-carrying fascist to collaborate with fascists and help them seize power; you just have to be morally bankrupt and self-serving. '
Once again Moscow Mitch is ready to give corporate welfare and zero for the average American.
Everyone else hopes for a quick showing of the 🚪 for the traitorous Moscow Mitch
'The burden of the brutalized is not to comfort the bystander. That’s not our job. All right, stop with all that. If you have a critique for the resistance, for our resistance, then you better have an established record of critique of our oppression.' Jesse Williams
Vote AmyMcGrathKY
But couldn't give a damn about the hundreds of millions of Americans who could use another stimulus check, even though the house passed such a bill weeks ago. COVID19 StimulusCheck
Aziz başgan ne oldu sana böyle
This guy can’t multi-task.
Who let out Melty McMeltyface