Looks like something off Shameless. How can that get such a high profile job? To rob off Grenfell should see a minimum of 10 years
What the hell ....greed has no limits !
susanstanwix Grenfell has been exploited over and over again. Who is in charge of this farce? Millions paid out.
Serves her right. Onerous urchin of a human being. 5 years is too lenient in my opinion 🤔
Does not get much lower does it.
She should be made to repay the money.
Another minger brought to book
How on earth did she get a job when she already had stolen from NHS?
That this was allowed to happen shows yet more incompetence in the council she was employed by. Systemic failures that shouldn't be tolerated. If the council can't monitor outgoing payments at this level - how much more are they losing in other areas of public funds?
C u next Tuesday.
Isn't there an island just off the coast that we can put people like this on? Let them rip each other to shreds?
Let the previous residents of grenfell tower deal with her! Save the tax payers money!
Obviously didn't spend it on her looks or health.
Deplorable individual. And they wonder why the people don’t trust them
The scumbag is lucky it wasn't longer.
My Corbyn would have spent all that om migrants and Palestinians.
Good, although the £62,000 had a good chance of ending up in the hands of the other dozen or so convicted Grenfell fraudsters.
How many is it now? Vile
and ordered to repay the £62,000
And she should pay every penny back as well
Wtf 5yrs lost wages for 65k
Still think that’s possibly £5k more than the scammers & what about that fucking fridge,
The next card she has should read "Go to jail do not pass go and don't collect 62.000 pounds"
Wow that's low.
Lower than a snakes belly.
She is also an active member of Conservative Party!