Risk-taking and outside-the-box thinking may be celebrated corporate cliches, but when it comes to hiring practices, businesses have been timid about embracing change.
Ford says American executives can be successful recruiting prospective employees who are just as capable, but have a background or life experience different from their own. “For leaders looking to increase their impact I would simply say, look outside your usual circles,” he says. “If you are in a position of power and you have hiring capability, just go a little farther afield. It’s easy to discover an incredibly talented pool of people who would love to work for you.
“There’s always a place for someone with a disability and they bring so much to a business,” she says. “The interactions people have had with our employees are unique and they’re very special and they’re remembered by every single customer that comes in.” Youssef gives back to her community by volunteering with youth organizations. She has also traveled throughout Central America working with underserved young women who are survivors of domestic violence or gender-based violence. She says that those who want to help but wonder what path to take should “magnify” their own empathy.