“We put on pressure ... to make progress on the investment agreement,” Merkel told reporters following a video summit with Xi.
“Overall, cooperation with China must be based on certain principles - reciprocity, fair competition. We are different social systems, but while we are committed to multilateralism, it must be rules-based,” she added.
Reuters has has reported 3 pieces of news about what China and EU did not achieve. However a headline news in China is that EU and China has signed an agreement after 8 years negotiation. That is interesting.
Human rights? Hong Kong? Anything of substance
Girls, no offense, but you're starting to relax in a relationship. The guy in the relationship won't get any worse. It won't get any better, though. The guy is a schmuck, but the schmuck is stable.
Everybody wants to be Trump now...lol
Chinzz as tell them to sos off
Merkel's dress looks fabulous. Inspired by innocent, wide eyed orphaned MENA kids?
Fair competition? Let's see if the EU can have the fish for free or the food imports rights of any territory of China. BrexitLegislationDebate
SariArhoHavren Laughable