The film is directed by Geeta Malik and is based on her own script “Dinner With Friends” that won the 2016 Academy Nicholl Fellowships in screenwriting. The film follows a young woman who, after her first year at college, returns to her affluent suburban New Jersey home for the summer and discovers distressing secrets about her seemingly picture-perfect Indian American family.
“It feels like a debut,” said Koirala who is a 90-film veteran. “I’ve spent a good deal of time in America but I haven’t worked here before. I was afraid people might have trouble understanding me or that my accent might be unsettling. But Geeta was always so encouraging.” “She is a very respected actor in India and I thought it would be wonderful to work with her,” Hussain said. “Though my part is important to the story, it’s not the pivotal part. I liked that idea because so often in films the women are more peripheral. That’s reversed here.”