When someone reports an instance of racial bias, listen and support them by taking action. A step-by-step outline of how you will address their problems will do more in showing true solidarity than simply sharing words of reassurance.
If you’ve heard several complaints about Carly, a manager who frequently makes insensitive comments or shows behavioral traits that consistently alienate your Black employees, take disciplinary measures. Do not overlook those reports and carry on business as usual, as these can have a devastating impact on those who are exposed to it.
The first thing managers can do, after listening, is offering flexibility to their Black employees and encourage them to take some necessary paid time off. To take it a step further, they can design a framework that provides free mental health support in the long run. For example, consider implementing a program that includes free or discounted therapy sessions, extra personal days and a peer-to-peer support network.
It’s important that these efforts are led by people of color and those who are part of marginalized communities. Their firsthand knowledge and experiences can help identify all the instances where racial discrimination manifests, and they are in a better position to suggest impactful solutions.
Thanks Forbes good looking out. US_FDA USDA USDOL USDAFoodSafety forestservice NOAAFish_NWFSC There are probably some Black employees that would love it if their agency supported them in these manners. Time for us to wake up & step tf up. Smell the roses or 👇