We’re in somewhat of a holding pattern in the markets amid the election uncertainty, aside from the big moves in tech this morning. We’d caution anyone from reading too much into tech’s rise as a predictor of who will take the oval office—could be driven by the increasing likelihood of a divided Congress, which puts a damper on hopes for increased regulation against this sector," said Mike Loewengart, managing director of investment strategy at E*TRADE.
"So when the election is finally decided, we have a heck of a lot of challenges to tackle on the way to full recovery," he said in emailed comments.
वैशाली जिला के देसरी थाने के रहने वाली हमारी मुस्लिम बेटी जिसे नफरतदी ने जिंदा जला दी 75 परसेंट यह बच्ची जली हुई आज मैं इस बिटिया से मिली बात की अपराधी उसे प्राइवेट हॉस्पिटल हाजीपुर के बालाजी हॉस्पिटल में बंधक बनाई हुई है सत्ता में आने से पहले ही जंगलराज
Yep that’s when you went to bed last night with Trump winning! Watch what happens today after the Democrats found all these mysterious ballots that Joe ahead in Mich. bet they drop like a stone in water! Democrats learn a lot from Hillary!
lol what a bubble this stock market is $AAPL...horrible new products...up 4%+ wtf lol
Please, as a US Citizen I want to know the standing of the third parties as well, where does the libertarian party stands this year? I know many of us didn't wanted neither of the 2 main candidates, where are the votes for us the citizens who didn't voted for this 2?
Breakfast tables across America open empty
i think trump presidential tenure is ended
I remember during the Obama years how Republicans would claim that the stock market hates uncertainty.
What about the house and senate?
Democrats are hard at work committing VoterFraud, this is why they pushed so hard with the mail-in ballots! Glad that we still have the electoral college votes! 🇺🇸
Check out my Gig on Fiverr: draw coloring book page or line art for kids
If you don't schedule exams on your Eid, how come you schedule it on Diwali. Why don't u look at calendar first? Despite concern raised by Hindu students, Pakistan Medical Coundil is not extending date for MCAT. The test is scheduled for 15th Nov, while Deewali is on 14&15 Nov
bdwink89 Low_keydude
It’s over just give it to Biden. Time to stop dragging this out
I think CNN will bankrupt if Trump doesn’t win this election.
Why you dont call Georgia and North Carolina wheres is clear that Trump WON?