on student loan payments, and jobless aid for almost 12 million unemployed Americans. Those expiring federal provisions could magnify the hardship many Americans face this winter amid a surge of virus cases.after millions of Americans traveled for the Thanksgiving holiday.. "We don't want to frighten people, but that's just the reality." lawmakers to pass another one and contain the economic damage from the pandemic.
to slow down or even reverse the tepid recovery. Only half of the 22 million jobs lost in March and April have been regained so far.for the second week in a row, the Labor Department said on Thursday. Over 20 million Americans are still receiving some form of unemployment benefits nearly nine months into the pandemic.Something is loading.
Greene_Thoughts Merge Capitalism, Socialism and Communism with Love and Wisdom in a new system. Maslow hierarchy of needs should be a universal law for every human being. Food, Security, Health, Prosperity and Education.
usa covid19 coronavirus relief package needed for 87 million workers asap. That’s 1/3 of america! Politicians move!