When the crisis set in, there was uncertainty about the demand for their existing products, she recounts. This compelled a review of product lines, past and present. “We took a good look at one of our ‘sleeping’ products—those we’ve stopped making. We found that our Kinder Kit , a game book for young kids, lends itself well to digital selling and stay-at-home learning. With more time on our hands, we were able to upgrade its graphics and instruction manuals for the online market.
“With guarded optimism” is how Driven Marketing Group CEO Lubar de los Reyes describes his real-estate development company’s outlook on the new normal.He and his team are very excited and at the same time very wary as they get ready for “things to settle down.” Her PGB Kiddie Art Workshops has been conducting summer courses for children since 1994. It also goes on yearly mall tours for kids in cooperation with corporate sponsors. “No thanks to the pandemic, most of these activities were scrapped this year.”
Meanwhile, Rory is spending her time productively by learning new skills, like digital marketing and innovative approaches to the photography business—skills which she hopes will help the business bounce back faster.