, which I then invest in a combination of stocks and bonds. Once a year, I adjust the ratios, but for the moment, my portfolio is weighted more toward stocks, since I'm in my 30s with a fair amount of runway before retirement. four years
letting my hard-earned savings languish in a low-interest Roth before taking the time to learn how to invest it wisely. Just thinking about those thousands in lost earnings is enough to make me want to put my head in my hands, but I try not to be too hard on myself. That's because I not only understand how I ended up in that predicament, but I'm also aware of the lightbulb moment that helped illuminate my way out.Let me paint a picture for you.
And at that point, I'm tired. The emotional burden of putting an enormous sum of money somewhere I can't reach it for literal decades has worn me out, and I'm not very interested in engaging with it further. Even more importantly, I have a fundamental misunderstanding of the stock market wherein I believe that every investment is destined to fail. In weighing risk versus reward, I've actually removed "reward" from the equation entirely.
So every time I hear my dad asking whether I've invested those funds in my Roth yet, what I actually hear is, "Have you put your hard-earned funds at risk yet?" And no, Dad, I haven't. Nor will I, for another four years.
Luckily, her backup plan is to marry rich.
What besos is selling out Sad 😓😥😥😪 $FNGD get some
Always just do a S&P 500 index fund. Been averaging 10% return for decades