However, a pharmacy had been created on site, so once the vial of vaccine had thawed, the pharmacists would immediately prepare the syringes for the nurses so the doses could be given to the patients.
I have every faith in the process that has gone into making the vaccine. While a lot of people have got reservations about the safety aspects of it, a lot of money has been spent on research and there have been plenty of patients to trial it on. Any red tape that might have held up the process has also been removed. They haven't cut any corners. If I didn't think it was going to do me or anyone around me any good, I wouldn't have had it.
We admitted our first COVID-19 patient into our ICU at the end of February. When Italy and Europe became infected, it became incredibly obvious that the UK could be faced with such large numbers.
F U IDoNotConsent!!! I demand a spendingreview & a FULLREFUND of taxdollars spent for this BigPharma moneylaundering SCAMDEMIC
And doing ok👇