. When you use your card to pay for extras like checked baggage, seat selection, or in flight purchases on one eligible airline of your choice, you'll receive a statement credit toward the charge, up to a certain amount each year.benefit resets at the end of the calendar year
. As the year draws to a close, some cardholders struggle with how to use up their remaining credits — they don't roll over to the next year, so if you don't use them, you lose them. Here's where things get a little tricky: American Express only publishes a partial list of airline fees that qualify for reimbursement. And although the terms and conditions for the benefit specifically exclude certain types of airline purchases, some cardholders have had success triggering the credit with transactions that aren't listed as eligible.
We're focused here on the rewards and perks that come with each card. These cards won't be worth it if you're paying interest or late fees. When using a credit card, it's important to pay your balance in full each month, make payments on time, and only spend what you can afford to pay.
from a list with which to use the credit, and you can change your selection each January. You can make your selection under the "Benefits" section in your Amex online account, through online chat, or by calling the number on the back of your card.