caused primarily by high blood pressure that was left untreated for too long. Despite leading a healthy lifestyle, exercising regularly, and having a diet of minimally processed food, unchecked stress and anxiety coupled with my high blood pressure to result in my diagnosis at age 34.
Instead of leaving business decisions up to chance or waiting for external circumstances to dictate my next move, I sat down and asked myself what my intentions were with my work. As I work with health, wellness, and helping professionals to brand and market themselves, building my own unique program to "help the helpers" meant more time for me to do what I love.After a difficult pregnancy with twins, I negotiated a flexible work schedule with my boss — here's the script I used to frame it as a win-winAs a small business owner working from home, it can become nearly impossible to separate work and family as they blur into one fluid span of time.
I also gave myself dedicated time for medical appointments with my cardiologist, trips to the lab for blood work, time to meet with my psychologist, and time to rest with my feet up each day. One of the first things I did after my diagnosis was to start creating standard operating procedures and handing over busy work. I then naturally progressed to shifting more tasks to my assistant, freeing up my own time for high value activities.
Doing less means identifying where you can create the most value and leveraging it as one of your business' most important assets. It also requires building a team around me to support business functions and look for opportunities to continuously improve my services.
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