Oil and gas companies have been told they could be downgraded between one and two notches as S&P increases risk rating for the entire sector.Oil and gas companies have been told they could be downgraded between one and two notches as S&P increases risk rating for the entire sector.Last modified on Wed 27 Jan 2021 02.04 GMT
I hate fossil fuels. And there's one blind spot with it: sadly, renewables are dependant on gas/oil/coal plants to be up: - ActOnClimate ClimateAction ClimateCrisis FightFor1Point5
So the moronic dinosaurs running Australia think we should subsidise gas and coal.
To save the world is much better than three companies.
I owe you an apology to ever doubt your sincerity and professionalism. It’s was just like a dream to me when I received my first payment. After my second payment it became a reality now after several payments it has become a way of life. lisaMakT
Who's gonna pay the price for the shift to 'cleaner' energy?
and here in Canada the opposition is fighting for new oil pipelines
This is a huge headline for sustainability
I’m back with smile on my face again thanks to lisaMakT I don’t know what to say.... you’re the reason behind my successful trade life!! God bless you for your good works