But rich countries are not willing to give up what they have. Earlier this month, Ursula Von der Leyen, head of the European Commission, used the phrase “global common good” to describe the vaccines. However, by the end of the week, theon vaccines, giving countries the power to stop shots from leaving their borders in some cases.
Advocates of sharing vaccine blueprints argue that, unlike with most drugs, taxpayers paid billions to develop vaccines that are now “global public goods” and should be used to end the biggest public health emergency in living memory. “Rich countries, ourselves included, have a moral responsibility when you have a global outbreak like this,” Fauci said. “We’ve got to get the entire world vaccinated, not just our own country.”could be made worldwide if intellectual property restrictions were lifted, because the spare production capacity of factories has not been publicly shared.
“Doing more tech transfer right now could actually put the production and the increased output for the months to come at great risk,” he said. “We are very open to do it in the future once our current sites are running.”
During a pandemic. Those with the knowledge Ought to be sharing the knowledge. Ask Jonas Salk about The public good. Hoarding knowledge during a pandemic Is no better than price gouging In any disaster. We can all believe in capitalism... With a heart.
Tell African government to invest in their health care
Good luck with that.