U.S. President Joe Biden speaks during a press conference at the UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow, Scotland, Britain, November 2, 2021.Before U.S. President Biden left the COP26 summit on Tuesday evening, he told reporters that it was a "big mistake" for Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin not to attend the global climate gathering.
"I indicated that China and Russia not showing up, and Saudi Arabia, was a problem. We showed up, we showed up. And by showing up we've had a profound impact on the way I think the rest of the world is looking at the United States and its leadership role," he said. "I think it has been a mistake, quite frankly, with respect to China, not showing up. The rest of the world are going to look to China and say what value added that they provided. And they've lost an ability to influence people around the world and all the people here at COP. The same way, I would argue with regard to Russia."
Although Chinese President Xi Jinping wasn't present at the COP summit, Beijing has signaled a commitment to cutting coal consumption at the country's power plants by 2025. Biden's remarks came as he wrapped up his visit to Glasgow, having signed landmark deals to end global deforestation, cut methane emissions and provide climate financing to developing countries.
No. Just finance yourselves. Stop getting everyone else to pay for you. PAY YOUR DEBT FIRST which stands at $29+ trillion. Delinquent freeloaders.
As they fly their private jets and celebrate commercial space travel🤡. Bitcoin fixes this
I feel so lucky to have you in my life, you are so supportive and caring. I feel like I won a medal I feel impressed with Geoffreypreud
Global finance will only reasonably follow funding opportunities. Where are these opportunities? Smoke is only present where there's flame.
이런 이유로 버지니아에서 지고 바이든 대통령도 마음이 아프겠네 미국 재건에나 좀 신경쓰지. 제조업이 없잖아. 제조업도 없고. 사람도 부족하고. 코로나 여파도 있고. 물가가 많이 올라가고 있어 정치적으로 싸워도 경제적으로는 중국에서 물건 가져와야 되지. 미국 제조업 재건할때 까지는 안그래?
마음이 아프다. 트럼프 대통령도 애국자. 바이든 대통령도 애국자. 근데 정책이 하나도 안 바뀌고 똑같으니깐 실망. 재난지원금도 사람들이 한번 더 달라고 하는데 안 주고 지치게 만들었어. 또 중국하고 화해하고 잘 지내야 하는데 똑같이 막고 물건 없어서 물가 올라가고 몇일전부터 인플레이션
Environment is a big hole financially speaken in the hands wrongly chosen... ORGS... ONGS... Governments entities.
Bitcoin 12.000 us dues
Meanwhile in Virginia