I thought you pro lifers liked babies
'Says Sebastian Gorka' means as much as 'says Spongebob Squarepants'. Remove this fucking charade of a post. You give credence to treason and conspiracy. WTF is the matter with you?
He is stupid.
He’s still around? Someone please get rid of that Natzi
Poor excuse for a human being
Gorka is indeed an immigrant. How dare he open his filthy mouth and speak about birthright citizenship
Gorked again 🤮
Trump and his minions are a scared bunch. They see fear & hate everywhere. CillizzaCNN
Total BS Stoking Fear
Why give this bufoon a platform? This guy lyings everyday.
trumps kids are a product of the 'baby factory industry'. birth mother's were not american citizens.
He would, wouldn’t he ? But who cares what he thinks ?
Americans talking about baby factories need to research this issue in BC. They think they have problems? 😆
Ivana tRump wasn’t a citizen. GET OUT tRump spawn!!!
Remove Sebastian Gorka to end 'stupid factory industry'.
I’m pretty sure that if we just did the exact opposite of whatever he said, we would be better off.
If passed would it mean people retrospectively having their citizenship revoked? And how much would it really deter or prevent illegal immigrants raising a family in a wealthy, first world country like the US?
and his passport says he is a citizen of
Trump's not going to like that...he makes millions in Florida where Russian women stay to have their babies
Who the fuck is he? A constitutional expert? Newsweek can do better. Rarely cuss on social media... sorry
How is it an industry? I wouldn’t be a US citizen if my grandfather born of 2 Scottish immigrants wasn’t born here...
*except for russians at trump properties