outh African National Blood Service is calling upon the public both vaccinated and unvaccinated for
to donate bloodFree State SANBS spokesperson Jana Wallace says, “During the holiday period we do not have access to schools, universities and many corporates which traditionally make up a large portion of the sites where regular donors donate. This causes a decrease in blood donation, while the usage of blood in hospitals continues.
protocols continue to be followed to ensure the safety of all donors and the SANBS staff. Both vaccinated and unvaccinated donors will be allowed as their vaccination status has no impact on the blood that they will be donating.”
I am Staying in Gordon's bay, Cape Town. Where should I go If I want to donate blood?
Did I just read this correctly?.
Can we get compensation for our blood beautiful people. The decline in blood might be decreased. We all know the importance of blood, but ke this is the capitalist country. We all need to survive.
Y'all should just be real with Us...Y'all just need the Unvaccinated people blood and throw away the vaccinated people one cos it ain't good anymore Y'all are just taking their blood for consolation so they don't feel left out ne
When it's suits them it's OK.
Why state.... Vaccinated or not..... If you want blood it's the same..... Or is it now.... Please can the blood service explain this..