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The Federal Aviation Administration has said 5G networks could disrupt aircraft operations. The main concern is that cellular towers and antennas near airports could interfere with radio altimeters, which are electronic devices in aircraft that help pilots gauge their altitude above the terrain. This equipment is particularly important when planes land in poor weather or when helicopters operate at low altitudes.
In response, the telecommunication giants agreed Tuesday to temporarily limit C-band 5G service around some airports as they continue to work with the aviation industry and the FAA.It’s possible, Berry said, but he added that there has not been much credible evidence to suggest that 5G technology poses elevated risks for the aviation industry.
Aija Leiponen, a professor at Cornell University’s SC Johnson College of Business, said there is some variation in how other countries have regulated the C-band spectrum, but the Federal Communications Commission and similar agencies around the world have investigated potential safety issues with 5G technology.
5G is not safe.