Two Colorado companies are planning an affordable vehicle-to-home home integration and charging system.Vehicle-to-home, or V2H, sounds like such a simple concept. That spiffy new EV you bought has a large battery pack that stores electricity. It can be charged from solar panels on the roof. When it’s not being used, it can send some of that electricity back to the home to run the lights and keep the heat on. Conceptually, V2H makes a lot of sense.
There’s more. You don’t want electricity from the grid fighting with electricity from your EV battery when they both get to your electrical panel at the same time. You need a switch to shut off the power coming in from the grid before you tap the power in your battery and. Those transfer switches can be expensive, and installing them properly is not a job for amateurs.
Can’t come soon enough with SDGEs rate hike in San Diego. Having solar used to matter and now it doesn’t make a dent. Using V2H for 5-9 pm “on peak” hours will pay for a $1500 in under 1 yr