Leonard di Caprio highlighted blood diamonds in spectacular fashion. Fast forward to 2022 where social media users can now easily and directly broadcast their views, thoughts, information and misinformation about products and brands. The business imperative of transparent supply chains is evident in being able to respond to, confirm and refute false claims.
To use our diamond example in this context: Scope 1 diamonds would be directly mined in Russia. Scope 2 diamonds would pass through Russia on their way to market - for example, cutting and polishing. Scope 3 diamonds would be able to demonstrate the complete journey and give transparency allowing end consumers to make up their minds.
Some diamond retailers, notably Brilliant Earth and Taylor and Hart both of whom have blockchain enabled provenance of stock, have already shown their stance by taking all Russian-mined stones off their sales platforms perhaps signalling wider consumer sentiment, or even getting ahead of hard sanctions. Others may be left behind because they simply do not have the provenance data available.
We need bigger Balls StopRussia Ukraine safeUkraine