"You're going to breastfeed, right?" This was the question seemingly everyone asked while I was pregnant.
That seemed, at the time, like a realistic goal, because I was told by seemingly everyone that if I just tried harder I could produce enough milk and thereby restore my title as a "person worthy of motherhood." Here are a few of the things I tried to increase my milk supply: Tried every supplement ever: Fenugreek, Goats Rue, Blessed Thistle...you get the idea. All they did was make me more constipated than I already was as a new mom, and reek like maple syrup.
Took a black market drug called "Domperidone" whose side effect is lactation. It's banned in the U.S. due to fatal cardiac arrhythmia , so I had to buy it off a shady web pharmacy based in Thailand. Did I mention it made me gain 25 pounds, oh, and could've possibly killed me?
People say breastfeeding is the most natural thing in the world. No it isn't. It is a learned behavior, babies have to learn to do it. Sometimes they don't and moms need to stop feeling like shit over that.
I’m struggling with this as well!! Besides the black market drugs, this is all spot on. I’m giving it a month, then I’ll quit.