An Oct. 18, 2021, memo from Baffinland Iron Mines, which runs the Mary River iron ore mine near Pond Inlet, summarizes community engagement with its neighbours.
It did say the $42.9 million represents the value of contracts awarded to Inuit firms that did work at its Mary River and Milne Inlet sites, with most of the costs being labour, materials, equipment or facilities.Baffinland added that it defines an Inuit firm in an agreement with the Qikiqtani Inuit Association, the group that represents Inuit in the Baffin region and acts as the mining company's landlord.
Annie-Claude Gélinas, Pilitak’s director, said in an email that the company has never done business with Baffinland. The mining company gives money quarterly to the Co-op based on how many employees from the community work for the mine, he said.Snider said Baffinland does contribute a lot to the community and is the biggest employer in Sanirajak. About 70 people work at the mine.
She said she couldn’t say how much she receives from Pilitak as a shareholder, but that she receives the money once a year.“We basically discuss the projects that were held that year and things that will be worked on in the communities.”“Sometimes it’s really hard to find people here,” she said.
Go check the band council and chief should really stop giving these people money they can’t manage themselves always steal the money
Trudeaus pocket!?