Father Tuan Nguyen, the current pastor of St. Ann, will be pastor for St. John XXIII. The new parish will continue the Vietnamese ministry currently located at St. Ann.Pope John XXIII served from 1958-1963.,” she said. His papal post marked a time of change for the Catholic church. “This is a parish that’s going through a transformation.”The STEM Academy at Visitation will change its name and move to what is now the St. Ann’s campus, which will become the main campus for the new parish.
“We want to have vibrant parishes,” McClenahan said. That includes concentrating parishioners together.“Instead of focusing on the pressing issues of one single parish, I asked parishes in this deanery to work together to assess the current reality at each individual parish and collectively, and then recommend a path forward,” Etienne said.
The archdiocese said leaders at the four parishes supported the merger. Together, the four parishes and the mission represent 1,653 households. A possible merger had been in discussion for years, according to the archdiocese. The matter became urgent in 2018 when parts of Holy Rosary church’s