Danish energy company Orsted said it still expected to be able to serve its customers.
Moscow offered customers receiving its natural gas to establish an account in dollars or euros at Russia's third-largest bank, Gazprombank, then a second account in rubles. The importer would pay the gas bill in euros or dollars as specified in contracts and direct the bank to exchange the money for rubles.
Gazprom said it hadn't received payments from either company for gas supplied in April and therefore was halting deliveries.
Why was Denmark still buying gas from Russia? Are they ok with funding a militant country?
They will lose a ton of money
Too bad Canada can't backfill the supply.
FWIW: Sanctions aka Punishments imposed as a penalty takes many forms. 'An eye for an eye', is one of the strongest human instincts and one that can be difficult for both parties to overcome. Decades of evidence show that reciprocating harm is not always the best course of action