found that 35 of the planet's biggest meat and dairy producers are dragging their collective feet when it comes to addressing climate change.
Moreover, Tyson and National Beef Packing have actively contributed to research that brushes aside or minimizes the impact of animal agriculture on climate the U.S. have spent a considerable amount of time, money, and effort into downplaying the link between animal agriculture and climate change, and into fighting climate policy more generally" adds study co-author Oliver Lazarus, an NYU graduate student at the time the study was published in 2021.
"U.S. beef and dairy companies appear to act collectively in ways similar to the fossil fuel industry, which built an extensive climate change countermovement," the study concludes.. Hot dogs are synonymous with summer, BBQs, and baseball—what's not to like? Well, a whole lot actually.
Thank you for exploring these issues. In addition to harming human and planetary health, AnimalAgriculture commodiefies billions of sentient beings every year. Fortunately, there are many PlantBased protein sources people can choose from instead: