A Co Derry woman who quit her 'stable' job is encouraging young people "not to settle" and to pursue their real passions.
"I was heavily pregnant at the time with my first-born son and I was helping to launch all of these products for the retailers and I thought I could do it myself and launch something of my own in an industry that I was interested in." She continued: "But I always like the idea of working with young children and music had always been something so strong in my life. I grew up in a family that loved music and so I was surrounded by it.
By September 2001, Doreen had begun in her new venture but she admitted that things didn't go to plan straight away, causing "doubt" in her mind that she had made the right choice. "I remember during the early days, my husband came home one day and he asked me was there many children in the classes and I would tell him not many but we'd keep going.
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