Image: GCIS
Free State DA spokesperson Roy Jankielsohn says: “But the Premier has not given the police a statement. This is problematic because the Premier has a responsibility to deliver a statement to the police and also inform them of what was stolen. There are allegations from the community that there was cash that was stolen and so far, she has refused to either deny or confirm.”
“It’s of public concern because she is citizen number one of Free State. There are a lot of speculations going around saying there is a lot of money that has been lost on the property. We want to know whether there is an element of money laundering or not. So, we will continue to keep an eye as far as that thing is concerned.”
AvrilPetersen1 They are all crooked, the ANC.
Whatever 🙄Her mattress & lounge suit wouldn’t have been as “stashed”.
Could there be dollars there as well..? As in PhalaPhalaGate PhalaPhalaFarm
First suspect Aaaaaaace...
Voetsek PhalaPhalaFarmGate
She also had cash at her place aai labantu dnt like banking the modern way