Luxury bag reseller WestCloset, which failed to deliver bags after customers paid for them, said it lost almost $100,000 through an investment scam, causing it to be unable to refund its clients.
In the statement sent to ST on Friday night, a spokesman for WestCloset said:"Yes, we do owe money to those people mentioned ." The firm said it has made a police report over goods that have gone missing from its store in Novena Regency in Thomson Road. "Our director, Ms Rizky, was in the hospital often due to her medical condition and stress of this business," the spokesman said.
"One thing for sure is after this publicity, we are not giving up and we will still run the luxury business."
Excuses. Excuses! Investment was the Westcloset decision - it's their risks alone! Why must their customers be made victims for their poor judgement! Case of pure cheating case! Then came up with this 'scam' story 😡😡😡