Mastercard to Help Banks Offer Crypto Trading — Executive Says Crypto Is on the 'Cusp of Really Going Mainstream'
In partnership with regulated and licensed crypto custody providers, Crypto Source will “enable financial institutions to bring secure crypto trading capabilities and services to their customers,” the announcement details, elaborating: Mastercard further explained that to support this program, it is “expanding its partnership and work with Paxos Trust Company, a leading regulated blockchain infrastructure platform,” adding:
Jorn Lambert, chief digital officer at Mastercard, described: “Our crypto product innovations will provide choice at scale and continue to bring one-of-a-kind opportunities to financial institutions as they seek to offer new, advanced services to their customers.” He opined:
Not surprised that banks are trying to get crypto options
paw to the moon
Terra_reward my heart goes to y'll also for aiding during this crypto crisis
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GUYS! How come everyone is silent on this!
GUYS! Why is everybody silent on this?
GUYS! Why is everybody silent on this?
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FRIENDS! Why dont they want us to know this
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FRIENDS! Airdr0p campaign now
FRIENDS! Why are they keeping this a secret!
FRIENDS! Airdr0p campaign now!
GUYS! Why is noobody talking about this!
GUYS! Why is noobody talking about this
GUYS! Why is nooboody talking aboout this?!
FRIENDS! Airdr0p campaign now!
FRIENDS! Why is everybodyy silentOOG on thiss
GUYS! Why is everybody silent on this?
FRIENDS! Why is nooboody talking about this?
GUYS! Why you not talking about this!
FRIENDS! Why are they keeping this a secret
FRIENDS! Why you not talking about this!!
FRIENDS! Why is noobody talking about this
GUYS! How come everyone is silent on this!
FRIENDS! Why are they keeping this a secret!
FRIENDS! How come everyone is silent on this
GUYS! Why is noobody talking about this!
GUYS! Why is everybodyy silentOOG on thiss
GUYS! Why you not talking about this!!
Why dont they want us to know this
Why are they keeping this a secret
Airdrop Don't be late 🤯
Why dont they want us to know this
How come no one is talking about this!
Why is everybody silent on this?
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How come everyone is silent on this
How come no one is talking about this!
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How come everyone is silent on this
Why you not talking about this?!
Why is everybody silent on this? Everyone needs to know!
How come no one is talking about this!
Why you not talking about this!
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Why is everybody silent on this?
How come everyone is silent on this
Airdrop campaign now ✅
Why dont they want us to know this
How come no one is talking about this!
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Why you not talking about this!
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Why are they keeping this a secret
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How come everyone is silent on this