Dikwanyane High School at Diphiring village outside Ohrigstad is one of the schools situated in the remote rural area of the Sekhukhune district.The school has enrolled 34 matric learners. Some learners say they are struggling with keeping up with school and the night life. They say alcohol abuse in the village is rife.
Some learners at the school say drinking is not an option as their focus is to attain good education in order to change their circumstances at home. Mdluli explains, “Kids go to snooker the whole weekend they come to school with boozy faces. We realised that some of these things cause failures and on top of that, we agreed with the parents or community at large that a school based camp is the best where now we are going to keep these and give them ample time to read and study.”
with no electricity
It's not good enough. Imagine dropping the pass mark to 30% and then being proud that you have 66.7% pass rate? Are you people on tik or are you too concerned with stealing money to give a kak?