Believes in the integrity of the country’s election system. Supports mail-in ballots to ensure that people who cannot physically vote in-person can still have their voice heard.
Believes the government should continue providing tax incentives for eco-friendly production in the U.S – adding that as long as people are dependent on gas and oil, they will be at mercy of the gas and oil companies that are in control of fluctuating prices. Supports America's involvement in Russia's war in Ukraine, which provides Ukrainians the chance to defend themselves without sending Americans to the front lines - adding,"Putin is not going to stop until he has to stop."Questions the integrity of the country’s election system. Believes switching from mail-in ballots to in-person voting will increase voter trustworthiness.
Wants to drill for more oil in the U.S. and finish the Keystone XL pipeline in order to bring gas and oil prices down for Americans.