The robot has a human-like torso and a pair of hands to carry out a range of tasks, such as cleaning the power lines with a specially-designed multi-angle brush. However, it is not just a cleaning robot but also one that can carry out maintenance tasks using its clamp-like hands that are compatible with a host of other tools.
Perched on top of the torso is a pair of digital cameras that serve as eyes for the human operator that handles the robot through a. Using motion-tracking, the operator controls the movement of the cameras on the robot, while a pair of handles help him control the robot's arms and hands. If an external force acts on the arms, it is relayed back to the pilot's controls, who can then take necessary action.
Even if it gets the job done in a while longer without risking human life whatsoever, it is totally worth every yen you spend on it. We can wait to see them in action soon.
Turns out you need to picture humanoid limbs to keep track of your movements