the problem is you have to learn to say no to spending huge money that people don't have to pay back point blank
Oil is down because trump made a phone call. Didn’t you hear that during his presser a couple days ago. He said it out loud and did not stutter.
Not paying at the pump or filling your house with home heating oil.=Middle class pay raise..
The problem with America is not China.:it’s the monopolies in America. Until the Government can control these conglomerates ,there is no competition,a fact that had made America great
But trump says its only a glitch.this is winning .maga is winning.the econmy is doing well .he take credit what happen because trump says he know.but wrong .did you see hustory lesson he try to give.
Well, that will help some. NOTHING has a more direct, speedy, and noticeable impact on the US economy more than the price of gasoline. It directly and immediately hits the spending power of 75-80% of Americans on a daily basis.
isn't this what trump has asked for? slowing down china, slowing USA, slowing the world?
For those of us who are short-term cap gainers on Wall Street, this is Valhalla, this is the Mother Lode... God I love the smell of ticker tape in the morning