"I don't care what pastor you got who's OK with it, I don't care what pastor you got that think it's cool, I don't care what pastor you got that sing along to the songs because they want some clout.""When a witch has a coven it's normally a small thing. Witch's covens are normally three to seven people," she said."When it becomes thousands it's called a hive.
Others criticised Montgomery, saying it was preachers like her that made them leave the church. One TikToker, named Cece, said she didn't like when people were attacked for what they choose to enjoy, and reprimanded because it doesn't align with exact belief systems. Critics also included Beyoncé's former Destiny's Child bandmate Michelle Williams. She referenced"a lot going on""I just wish we would pray as publicly for entertainers as we rebuke them and damn their soul to hell," Williams said."I know it ain't my calling mission to damn entertainers to hell and to say that they would drop dead. The devil is a lie.".
BISouthAfrica These fake pastors and their drama can't match Beyoncé and her God given talent