A Preferred Taxis vehicle is seen in Sydney. Three Cape Breton cab companies recently merged to form the new business, which will serve customers all across the Cape Breton Regional Municipality. Contributed - ccSYDNEY — A new taxi service has hit the road in Cape Breton.
“We worked very closely to make sure that we were onside with every bylaw, and believe me, nobody gets any favours. We’re not some super company that got all these favours — none of that happened.” While presenting a draft of a proposed passenger vehicle for hire bylaw, Burt said the only major change from the current bylaw is it includes ridesharing businesses so companies can use an app and a website.In the end, council voted unanimously to postpone a second reading so taxi owners can meet with committee members or Burt to clear up any confusion in the bylaw wording and alleviate any fear of business closures.