Artificial intelligence advancement has taken the world by storm. And it has remarkably improvised the way we use the internet.images have been created by services such as Dall-E and Stable Diffusion. Now, coming up is the text-to-video generation concept, which is set to be the next big craze.for generating short video clips based on a word prompt given by users. Alternatively, they can use images to create a video clip from scratch.
The system will produce close to a 3-second video clip based on the prompt, as per theCris Valenzuela -co-founder and CEO of Runway- demonstrated a short snippet based on the prompt "drone footage of a desert landscape" in an exclusive live demo. Within seconds, the Gen 2 produced a video that was only a few seconds long. This development is a sign that text-to-video is on the verge of becoming a reality.Introducing, Text to Video. With Gen-2.