We each have the right to buy whatever we can afford. But commercial forces limit our freedom of choice more than we think.
published in The Lancet shows that key causes of ill health – such as obesity and related noncommunicable diseases – are linked to commercial entities with deep pockets and the power to shape the choices people make. They do this by influencing the political and economic system, and its underlying regulatory approaches and policies.Industry tactics
The ways that commercial entities shape our food environments to maximise their profits are known as the “commercial determinants of health”. They create an environment that drives us towards unhealthy choices.that, as adults, our food choices are a direct result of free will, and of freedom of choice.
Marketing creates demand. Supermarkets are filled with ultra-processed foods with lots of added sugars, unhealthy fats and harmful additives. These food products are designed to activate
Wellness The key cause of I'll health is over-the-counter drugs that are available to all, which people ingest daily, which destroys the liver (commonly known fact to doctors) and thereby the whole metabolism and health such as panado and grandpa headache powders.
Wellness They’re only figuring this out now?