More than 60c in every $ spent in a legal drug store goes to government, federal or provincial. There is almost zero enforcement of illegal market which gives 0c per $. Fix that and everything will be fine.
There's hope for the cocaine cowboys!
We all love to have the pot heads around.
Trudy's legacy,a true dope
Drove past an operation, acres and acres of state of the art greenhouses, a huge processing plant all behind high barbwire fences and cameras, sitting there doing nothing, empty. Can you imagine how much food they could grow in an operation like this? But no it sits empty.
It was a bad idea to begin with,Trudeau
Dealers have never had it so good. Consistent supply and no tax. Beat government weed every day.
Would you then say that the industry could 'go up in smoke?' 🤣 🤣 See what I did there? 😉
What a shock. The govt half-assing something.
They need to find a way for people that work in 'safety sensitive' positions to be able to use cannabis when off work. Until testing can be done more accurately it will limit the amount of people that can use cannabis products. The testing methods discriminate recreational use.
Over regulated and expensive. Legalization was important for the home grown market. Sad about Quebec.
They failed in the legal market. It's a money grab that hurts others.
Good. Go away.
Good let’s hope it does wither
Already has
Business is thriving on the reserves
Eight cannabis shops along a five block stretch of our downtown. I don't think this industry is going to wither away.
Only a government could fuck up selling weed.
Cocaine is legal to possess up to 2.5 grams in Vancouver. Whether it's cocaine or cannabis, the people selling these are dope dealers even if the government sanctions them. I vote to let them ALL wither away. The government wants its citizens doped up. Easier to control that way
Government DESTROYS everything it touches.
A dope dealer is a dope dealer even if it's sanctioned by the government. So wither away and be done with it.
Each Province operates under completely different laws. To lump it all in as though it’s one Federal set of rules is misleading. Some Provinces are coming along well (and I’m not sure growers riches was my intention when I fought for legalization)
How many overdoses in bc since decriminalization of fentynal? Shut up about pot and cover the real news about drugs
Good. Wither away. We have enough problems.
🤣 back
Just another thing DougFraud screwed up
Looks like a 20X to match our indebtedness
Provincial bulk buyers like ONCannabisStore are the ones forcing producers to price their products out of profitability. jyduclos should allow all cannabis stores to purchase directly from producers, which they cannot at the moment. It's not about excise tax at all.
alcohol is the most damaging substance and is freely available. Gambling destroys yet everyone is encouraged to play. Time to end the hypocrisy