The announcement revealed that over 1.5 million people have already joined the World App’s beta phase, and the app will now be available in more than 80 countries. This initial rollout is being referred to as Phase I, with plans to expand the application into a comprehensive toolkit in the future. The project’s ultimate goal is to provide universal basic income to verified users.
“World App, the first wallet for the Worldcoin ecosystem, is launching today,” the announcement states. “It’s designed to be friendly, and it supports private digital identity and a new financial system. You can use it to authenticate with World ID to prove you’re a real person, get your Worldcoin tokens and send digital money anywhere.”Tools For Humanity
, a technology company “built to ensure a more just economic system.” According to the TFH web portal, the company is dedicated to using Worldcoin technology to achieve this goal. The announcement highlights the wallet’s minimalistic design, which incorporates the essential features of both Worldcoin and Ethereum. Initially, the Worldcoin project faced