Let it die already. It's name is so far tarnished now, it isn't even marketable.
And let me guess. CNN the communists know just the solution.....vote demacrat and hate trump! Wow. What a wonderful inspiring message!
*It wasn't a good sign leading off the board meeting with, 'Fourty stores and seven bankruptcies ago..' news FunniestTweets Follo4follo sears bankruptcy
Should have happened long ago....
SEARS stands for Sears Employers Are Really Stupid
I guess everyone agrees on that except Eddie.
It’s a little late for that.
I'll do it. I'll bring Sears back. Won't take long about two full years.
That's just crazy! ....who would've known Sears was still in business!! news FunniestTweets follo4follo
Maybe next time don’t pick the dude with the sleazeball haircut?
I hope Sears survives
Sears needs to be let down. youfailed
This whole situation smells bad - this guy sort of ran the company into the ground didn't he?
Leverage buyouts.. really.. none of them ever did what they said they could do.. they borrowed at every alan greenspan rates and over paid and then cost pensioners.. Mitt MittRomney taught many Mormons to do this to Christian workers.. and offshore the jobs to atheist china./
Make Sears Great Again!
CEO and cronies need to quit raiding the coffers. Quit handing out bonuses like if you were doing EXTREMELY well.
And they could have been the FIRST AMAZON... but...
Poor Sears. They just don't belong in 21st century.
and why did a judge allow exc to get 25 mil in bonuses
Time to lock the doors for good.
The CEO that can lead Sears to relevance again will be hailed a hero! Things have changed, and so have the players.
America needs a new president as well
Holy moly