Dead man walking.
Gushaz vakura
What for? He looks like a zombie
Long live we need such leaders in Africa
He would have loved to be still a president looking spooky like this..
You are lucky you had Mandela the icon whom you celebrate even in his death
He must live long and experience the pains of his creativity
Congratulations grandad 👴🏿
Torture him like he did his people
No longer have access to public coffers ....the embezzlement days are over
Where is his snor?
Very sad the man is looking unhappy. He was betrayed by his closest friends 😂😂. They owe him something perhaps a sorry EliasChinemore
Aah aah tshipi e jele ke mollo mo😊
He is now a common man
Why celebrate the birth of a tyrant....
Happy belated birthday baba