If President Donald Trump wants to be the leader in 5G technology, the administration should approve the merger between Sprint and T-Mobile, analyst Jonathan Chaplin told CNBC on Friday.
"If it is really important to the administration to be first in 5G and have a more robust set of infrastructure in the U.S. than China, Japan and Korea do, then they should let the deal go through," Chaplin said on"The Exchange." That's because Sprint is sitting on a"phenomenal band of spectrum" that can run the technology, he said.
Verizon and AT&T, on the other hand, have high-frequency spectrums, which work great in the big cities but not very well outside of dense markets, he noted."If the deal with T-Mobile goes through, that's going to put those companies in a phenomenal position. If the deal doesn't go through, that spectrum just sits on the sidelines for the next five years."
Just don’t tell Trump that Germany’s Deutsche Telekom would be running the show...
Yes! We need more megalith monoliths of massive capitalists! capitalism Assange
They should make the T-Mobile guy cut his hair first.