How many ways can you spell SWAMP
is that legal?
Gosh a surprise there
Wasn’t Trumps campaign all about “draining the swamp”?!?!?!?
You won't find this story on FoxNews.
MickMulvaneyOMB Why the preferred treatment? investigation needed. CREWcrew
Who is CNBC rooting for China and Globalists or Trump?
Nothing like crony capitalism. How about giving everybody a damn waiver
cor·rup·tion kəˈrəpSH(ə)n noun 1. dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in power
Criminals all. No honor.
Fake news 😂😂😂
why this writer presenting this news sounds negative ?
sounds a bit swampy...
No surprises there being as apple products got exemptions also
Of course it does. TrumpCorruption